Thursday, 24 October 2013

Planning • Location Scouting, Reports and Photos (Internal Location)

For my horror trailer location I have organised the use of studio space which is perfect because it's right next to a woodland forest where I plan on doing most of my filming, it's also near long roads which I can use for my advantage and has plenty of space to do the shots I want. So this wasn't so much 'scouting' as I knew instantly where I was going to go to do it and how to get there. For my actors this is slightly more challenging because they have to travel further but as it is by my house I have said they can sleepover to make travelling home less stressful. The location will work well for all times of day which is something that's really important, as the lighting needs to look right in order to capture what tone and effect I want for each mood of the characters.

Internal Location - The Photography Studio
The photography studio will be used for some of my internal shots, the rest will be at Emma's house for the bedroom and TV shots. I like the space as it isn't daunting to try and use but isn't too small it feels cramped.

Here is the area used for photographing, I will be using this for my candle shots, and later for the photo shoot I will do for the poster and magazine front cover. I set up the two backdrops so I could photograph them hanging in full length.

Here is the roll of the backdrop before being set up/after being used.

This is an overview of the general room we will be using to film/take photos later on.

These are the lights on the left side of the studio, there are also some of the right, which will be predominantly used to create my desired lighting effect. These lights are easy to adjust and move accordingly to how I want them to look. 

This is the TV and desk that I will be using for my work. The TV allows me to playback my footage directly from the camera, so I can watch back my work in full size as though it was a real trailer that would appear in a TV ad break, and the desk is what will be used for Dom's scene's mostly. I will change the lamp and move things around slightly to get the angle and positioning right.

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