Using a contact I knew when I did my AS Media Studies coursework I emailed a photographer I have worked closely with to ask if I could again borrow his camera and other equipment including his studio space for my poster and trailer shooting.
I was really pleased when he agreed to let me borrow everything I needed we emailed an arranged meeting on a Tuesday so we could discuss and plan what I would be doing, the style of the photographs and what time of day so we can prepare both internal and external shots.
Another location I want to use is Emma's Bedroom because it's lighting is perfect for the mood of the scene I want to use it in. The colour scheme and mess in it is EXACTLY what I want for my film. I want Dom to go through her room and look at her things. Emma's room has lots of really intricate bits to it which I think will work really well, especially if I use a close up tight pan of the intimate bits and bobs and contrast the paleness of the location with her bright hair and eyes in a reaction shot reverse shot. Her and Dom really work well together to compare and contrast in acting and with my music choices I think this will be really successful stylistically.
Here is an example of the type of shots I will want to use in static form.
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