To make sure that I am fully engaging with the films detailing, I needed to think about which film title would appeal to my target demographic from the follow options:
It was important to get feedback from those I am aiming to sell my film to as I wanted it to sound like something they wanted to see. I loved all my titles for different reasons and didn't know which effect would work best on an audience, so I sent out my synopsis along with the list of titles and asked 81 people for their initial response to the titles. I gave a variety of choices to give them as much option as possible and recorded the feedback in the order I got it. The list goes as followed:
*Brackets are what people gave as feedback with their choice of title
- Departed
- Departed
- Her
- Her
- Among Us ("Good")
- Mortal Part ("Good")
- Small Hours
- Embodyment
- Deceased
- Emolument
- Earth Angel
- Bloodless
- Small Hours
- Among Us ("Sounds like a great story I'd love to see it")
- Among Us ("100% sounds like something I'd want to see, seems like a good plot, sounds sweet, will you invite me to the academy awards when your film becomes a best seller!?")
- Earth Angel
- Earth Angel
- The Within
- Mortal Part ("I like a lot, sounds like a sick movie, can it be real please?")
- Departed
- Among Us
- Her ("Good name")
- Earth Angel ("Makes our love sound evil")
- Her ("Simple yet sweet")
- Among Us ("100% gets my vote")
- Earth Angel ("Female appeal from the romantic twist")
- Earth Angel
- Among Us ("Sounds awesome")
- Among Us ("Because her spirit is still among us in the real world, it sounds like the best film")
- The Within ("Works well")
- Bloodless
- Departed
- Small Hours
- Celestial
- Departed
- Celestial
- Among Us
- Small Hours
- Small Hours
- Emolument
- Mortal Part
- Bloodshed
- The Within
- Among Us
- Earth Angel
- Celestial ("I like")
- Small Hours ("I like")
- Departed
- Lifeless ("Sounds really catchy, sounds like an amazing film I'd love to watch it!")
- Earth Angel
- Small Hours
- Departed ("Really cool idea, would want to see this for sure.")
- Mortal Part ("Would definitely pay to see this!")
- Lifeless ("Why can't this be made into a real film!?")
- Among Us ("I like it")
- Her
- Earth Angel ("I'd go for this in the cinema!")
- Heavenly Body ("I really like this")
- Earth Angel ("It's pure, pure and heavenly with dark underneaths!")
- Departed ("sounds like a good story line!")
- Her
- Her
- Her
- Earth Angel
- Earth Angel
- Deceased
- Small Hours
- Deceased
- Small Hours
- Departed
- Lifeless
- Celestial ("I really like the sound of this")
- Small Hours ("From the name it sounds like it will be a great film")
- The Within
- Earth Angel
- Lifeless
- The Within
- Celestial
- Emolument ("Sounds really sick!")
- Small Hours
- Departed
- Departed
- Departed ("I like one word titles")
Although it wasn't one of my options 3 people chose 'Emolument' which was interesting, however the words is about your salary and income through employment, so it doesn't suit my film.
I then noted these down into a simple tally chart and took a photo of it:
I then took the tally chart to create a pie chart online, using a free web tool to design my own colours etc with all the information.
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